65 Easy Silver Solder Wire


65 Easy 20 gauge soft Silver Solder Wire. Sold in pre-cut 12 inch segments. Cadmium free.
65 Easy Silver Solder Wire

65 Easy Silver Solder Wire


65 Easy 20 gauge soft Silver Solder Wire. Sold in pre-cut 12 inch segments. Cadmium free.

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Material Solder
Recycled Detail Standard Sterling Silver Material
Nation of Origin United States
Manufacturing Method Machine Made
Anti Tarnish No
Tariff 7113.11.5000
Gram Weight 1.519986

Keep it round, flatten it or cut it into tiny pallion chips! Cut pallion chips using wire cutters when tiny solder bits or needed. If you need flat pieces, using a flat faced hammer and a bench block.

CAUTION: Brazing may produce fumes and gases hazardous to health. Avoid breathing these fumes and gases. Use adequate ventilation.  

56 Easy flows quickly at 1205 degrees Fahrenheit
65 Soft Melting point: 1240 Flow point: 1325
70 Medium Melting point: 1275 Flow point: 1360
75 Hard Melting point: 1365 Flow point: 1450

For safety information about this product, view the SDS sheet

Detailed Specs
Solder Type Wire
Solder Flow Temperature Easy

Learn how to solder silver